Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Final Note

In the last few months  I've thought that I should wrap up the blog with a final message.  Unfortunately, I have never been able to get that done.  These days since August 19th have been crazy ones.  No one can prepare for these types of emergencies. You can hope that a general preparation of house, family and funds will make the impact less harsh, but no one can truly be prepared for this kind of event.  I've found that a lot of my energy has been turned inward toward my family at this time.  For my friends and family, I hope you can understand. 
Chris' recovery continues with speech therapy (to help his cognitive function and endurance) twice a week.  He was released from both physical and occupational therapy as soon as he was evaluated outside the hospital.  He works on puzzles - suduko, word search, picture searches and even video games to improve his cognitive function.  He's borrowed Courtney's Nintendo DS to play the game "Brain Age" which will help him improve. 
He has not returned to work, nor has he gotten his Driver's License back.  These are both things that we are praying about, and they are both things that Chris looks forward to being able to do again.  I am so thankful to all of the companies with whom he works.  Their support and understanding are something I am surprised to see in this day and age, and I have prayed many times that God will bless their business.  Our family is truly thankful for these shining examples of business. 
This experience has taught me a lot.  Watching how different people respond to a crisis has taught me about how I want to respond in the future.  I want to thank my family, friends and Chris' family, friends and work associates for your support during this trying time.  Thank you can never be enough, but I hope you know how you've touched our lives forever. 
Thanks to everyone who has read this blog.  It truly made it easier for me to function by having a place to disseminate information. 
Finally, although it is not in favor these days, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas.  Jesus has made such a difference in our family, I am thrilled to celebrate his birth. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Update - Finally!

Finally we have some news to report.  The last two weeks have been filled with appointments for therapy.  We're driving about 45 minutes per direction for a 45 minute therapy session.  That is frustrating, but we're getting it done.  Last week Chris went in for an occupational therapy evaluation and was discharged.  The therapist couldn't find any area where he needed work.  The physical therapy evaluation was yesterday and he will be going mostly to have his workouts supervised.  They didn't find anything major there either to address. 
So, the speech therapy (which is really cognitive exercises and problem solving) is still going to be twice a week.  We also saw the rehab doctor today and he seemed impressed with Chris physical progress.  We don't have to see him again for about 6 weeks.  The best news he gave Chris is that he can resume playing his sax.  I know this will help him a lot.
What this means for us is that Chris is continuing to work on his cognitive information processing and memory skills.  He is getting in the office for about an hour or so a day with me helping him forward emails and phone messages.  We've been dealing with so many things at such a fast rate that we're trying to get a routine down, but we're finding it hard.  The kids are out of school for the next two weeks for Fall break which takes some pressure off of me, but throws our routine out the window.  We'll figure it out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Update 9/16

There's not a lot to update right now.  It seems that most therapy places are two weeks out for appointments, so we are mainly waiting to get in to physical and occupational therapy.  Chris continues to improve daily, and is looking and sounding more like himself every day.  It's amazing what a few good night's sleep in your own bed will do!
In the coming weeks I will be juggling therapy appointments, kids and doctor appointments.  Prayer for strength and grace would be good right about now.  I'll be updating as is warranted.  Thank to all for your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Update 9/14

First, let me wish both my brother Matt, and my sister-in-law Bertha a Happy Birthday!  We've totally missed it this year with everything going on with us.  I hope you both know we love you and wish for you a blessed next year!
Today we had two appointments and I tried to schedule therapy for Chris.  It was not the most successful day.  It seems that the therapy centers are understaffed, and it is difficult to schedule his appointments.  We are still working out the details and it may be a few weeks before he can be seen. 
Chris is doing well, there aren't a lot of physical signs of the trauma his body has been through.  Tiredness seems to be the biggest one.  He tires more easily than before and is resting a lot.  It's a two-edged sword that he doesn't "look unwell".  The casual observer may not understand why he's resting more, or doesn't answer quite as quickly.  Believe me, I will take this "problem" over what could have been.  But, I know sometimes it is hard for Chris to slow down and take it easy because he "seems so normal". 
We've heard from Tyler a couple of times, and while I can tell he's nervous, he seems to be having a great time.  They have a "week of welcome" featuring lots of activities and Tyler commented that it seemed like camp.  I'm sure that will fade away next week when classes start. 

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Bittersweet Day

Today was a bittersweet day for us as Tyler left this morning with my mom, Nicholas and Courtney heading for San Luis Obispo.  It's still kinda surreal to think that he won't be coming home on Sunday night.  We've prepared him the best we could, now we get to watch him make his way.  It's very quiet in our house, a state this house hasn't seen since it was built.  Chris and I took it easy most of the day, with one quick trip out to run an errand. 
A friend brought the most delicious soup for our dinner, and then we played a little golf and bowling on the Wii.  Chris is content now watching the Giants and Dodgers.
We have two doctors appointments on Monday, so I won't be posting anything else this weekend.  It's been a rough 3 weeks for me, and I'm going to take a little break until we have more information.  Thanks to all of you who continue to send your good wishes.  Until Monday~

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The best day!

Today was the best day because Chris came home from the hospital.  I picked him up this morning, and he had a great day.  He's a little tired, and who wouldn't be after all he's been through.  Nicholas was so excited to see him, well, we all were excited. 
In honor of his homecoming and in celebration of Tyler heading off to college, I cooked a homemade Mexican dinner.  Well, our version anyway.  Homemade tortillas, carne asada, beans, rice, pico de gallo, and guacamole.  It was a feast.  We love cooking this meal. 
So, tomorrow they head out for Cal Poly, and Chris and I will enjoy a RARE weekend home alone.  It will be nice for him to settle in with the house empty and then have Nicholas and Courtney  back on Sunday. 
I am always overwhelmed with gratitude when I think of those of you who read this.  You've sent cards, emails, phone messages and just personal messages of support and they truly mean so much to us.  Don't underestimate what those small gestures mean to us.  On the days when I'm just too tired, or everything seems to be going wrong, it's your prayers and support that give me strength and courage to keep going.  Thank you to all of you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tomorrow- the day I've been waiting for

When I walked into Chris' room today, I saw two small plates with foil covering them.  Inside were cookies.  I thought someone must have stopped by and left some treats.  A moment later, Chris returned to his room and said, "Did you see the cookies I made?"  I was quite surprised that the plates of cookies were made by Chris in his occupational therapy.  They were tasty too!  Now I know I can get out of baking cookies because Chris can do it. 
They really packed in the therapy today, I guess they wanted to get their last licks in before he comes home. 
Yipee!!  Chris will be coming home tomorrow.  I'll hopefully have him home by lunchtime.  I know he is a little nervous and a lot excited and relieved to be home.  Once we get Tyler off to school, we will focus on the rest of Chris' recovery.